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Customer Notification Modules

Schedule Change Notification

Whenever a schedule change occurs, all the PNRs affected are placed on a group of queues, so that the passengers may be notified of the changes. Kodiaq can be used to work these queues. And if the volume of PNRs is too large to contact every passenger, you can also have Kodiaq evaluate these PNRs to determine which require notification and whether a phone call is necessary or just a letter in the mail is sufficient. This can be determined by identifying such conditions as major time changes, direct flights being changed to connecting flights, whether misconnections will occur, and whether the passenger has a valid address. If the passenger needs to be notified by phone, then the PNR will be routed to an appropriate queue.

Ticket-by-mail and E-Ticket Verification

Before a ticket-by-mail or e-ticket receipt can be issued and mailed to the passenger, there are many items in the PNR that need to be verified first. If there is information missing or invalid, the ticket can be mishandled or the entire ticketing process may be delayed. Kodiaq can verify both credit card information and mailing addresses. Addresses can be checked against credit card and frequent flyer databases. Also, It will attempt to fare quote the PNR and if the fare has increased, then it will try to update the fare. Only if everything is OK will ticket actually be printed.


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