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Post Departure Modules


This module reads a "Handback" message sent from the airline's airport departure system to the reservation system. This message contains information such as passenger no-shows, transfer passengers, and passengers who arrived at the airport with no reservations. The module either creates new PNRs or updates PNRs based on the information in the handback message.

Downline Frequent Flyer and Passport Entry

This module processes a "Shootback" message sent from the airline’s airport departure system to the reservation system. This message contains passport and frequent flyer information entered at check-in. Kodiaq reads this list and updates the PNRs with the information provided, which saves time for the ticket agents checking in passengers downline.

Frequent Flyer Signal

This module processes a "Frequent Flyer" message sent from the airline’s departure control system. This message is created whenever any passengers identify themselves as frequent flyers for the first time at check-in (instead of at time of booking).


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